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We can take you there, safely and comfortably.

a portrait of a caregiver smiling in front of a car

The Trusted Non-Medical Emergency Transportation Services Provider in Greater Lexington, Frankfort, Richmond, Georgetown, and the rest of KY

Transportation is part of our mission here at Barbara Care. Our commitment is to provide safe and comfortable non-medical emergency transportation services to our clients. We are your trusted provider of quality non-emergency medical transportation, whether it’s accompanying your senior loved ones to your family outings or taking them to doctor visits. We serve areas in and around Lexington, KY, Frankfort, KY, Richmond, KY, and Georgetown. We can take you there safely and comfortably. 

Safe and Comfortable Non-Medical Emergency Transportation in Lexington KY, Frankfort KY, Richmond KY, and Georgetown KY

One of the most significant challenges for homebound patients is transportation. Going to places and even leaving the house is often a hurdle, especially for seniors and patients with limited mobility. We aim to ease your non-medical emergency transportation burdens at Barbara Care by providing transportation and Homecare services. With our compassionate non-medical emergency transportation service seniors and individuals with mobility issues, Barbara Care will transport them wherever they need to be. We greatly believe that every patient deserves to have convenient and comfortable non-emergency medical transportation. We service individuals and patients in Greater Lexington, Frankfort, Richmond, and Georgetown, KY. 

Professional Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Services in Greater Lexington KY, Frankfort KY, Richmond, KY, and Georgetown KY

Call us at 859-251-5494 for a more detailed discussion about our professional yet affordable non-medical emergency transportation services. We would be happy to assess your non-medical emergency transportation needs and recommend the best type of service for you or your loved ones. Currently, we serve patients in and around Lexington, KY, Frankfort, KY, Richmond, KY, and Georgetown, KY. Our non-emergency medical transportation services are available both for short- and long-haul transports.